Wird Ihr Kind traurig, wenn Sie für einen langen Arbeitstag ins Krankenhaus gehen? Lassen Sie Smol helfen! Smols Abenteuer im Krankenhaus erklärt Ihrem Kind auf spielerische Weise, was es bedeutet, im Gesundheitswesen zu arbeiten, und warum Sie manchmal länger weg sind. Verständnis und Verbindung für Kinder von Gesundheitsarbeitern.
Kinder begleiten Smol auf einem Abenteuer, das ihnen den Krankenhausalltag auf eine sehr persönliche Weise näherbringt. Durch farbenfrohe Illustrationen und eine fesselnde Geschichte entdecken junge Leser die Rollen von Ärzten, Krankenschwestern und anderem Krankenhauspersonal, und das alles aus Smols neugieriger und verspielter Perspektive. Auf jeder Seite werden häufige Fragen beantwortet, die Kinder zu den langen Schichten ihrer Eltern haben könnten, und es wird die Idee vorgestellt, dass jeder Tag im Krankenhaus eine besondere Mission ist. Dieses Buch beruhigt Kinder und hilft ihnen, stolz auf die wichtige Arbeit ihrer Eltern zu sein und sich mit ihr verbunden zu fühlen, auch wenn sie getrennt sind.
Personalisierte Charaktere: Das Kind und die Eltern werden wunderschön illustriert, sodass sie echten Helden ähneln.
Fesselnde Handlung: Begleite Smol, einen unerwarteten Besucher und Freund deines Kindes, auf seiner aufregenden Reise zum Arbeitsplatz im Gesundheitswesen.
Lebendige Illustrationen: Helle, fesselnde Bilder, die die Geschichte zum Leben erwecken.
Mehrsprachige Optionen: Wähle die Sprache, die am besten zu den Bedürfnissen deiner Familie passt.
Herzliche Botschaft: Eine Erzählung, die die Bedeutung der Arbeit im Gesundheitswesen auf kindgerechte Weise erklärt.
Jedes personalisierte Buch umfasst 40 wunderschön illustrierte Seiten und ist in zwei Größen erhältlich, um deinen Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden:
Das beliebte A4-Querformat, ideal zum gemeinsamen Lesen
Das kompakte A5-Querformat, perfekt für kleine Hände, aber ebenso reich an Qualität und Geschichten
Jedes Buch wird einzeln mit der neuesten Technologie gedruckt, um lebendige Farben und feinste Details zu gewährleisten. Der stabile Einband ist für jahrelange Freude ausgelegt, während das umweltfreundliche Papier dieses Geschenk unvergesslich und umweltfreundlich macht.
Dein Buch zu personalisieren ist schnell und einfach! Gib zunächst den Namen deines Kindes ein und füge dann den Namen des Elternteils, Verwandten oder geliebten Menschen hinzu, den du vorstellen möchtest. Wähle die Figur aus, die deinem Kind am ähnlichsten sieht, wiederhole dies für den Elternteil, der ein Held im Gesundheitswesen ist, und wähle zum Schluss die Sprache aus. Befolge die einfachen Schritte, um sofort eine Vorschau deines Buches zu erhalten und sicherzustellen, dass jedes Detail stimmt. Sieh dir unser kurzes Video an, um zu sehen, wie du in wenigen Minuten eine einzigartige Geschichte erstellen kannst!
Unser personalisiertes Buch für Helden des Gesundheitswesens ist mehr als nur eine Geschichte – es ist eine sinnvolle Möglichkeit, das Engagement von Mitarbeitern im Gesundheitswesen zu feiern und zu würdigen. Es stärkt die Bindung zwischen Eltern und Kind, indem es Gespräche über die wichtige Rolle der Eltern eröffnet. Schenke deinem Kind eine Geschichte, die es tröstet und beruhigt und ihm das Gefühl gibt, Teil deiner Mission zu sein! Dieses Buch erklärt nicht nur, was dein Job beinhaltet, sondern schafft auch eine emotionale Verbindung zwischen dir und deinem Kind und hilft ihm, mit seiner Traurigkeit oder seinen Sorgen umzugehen, wenn du nicht da bist. Durch Smols Abenteuer kannst du deinem Kind zeigen, dass deine Liebe immer da ist, auch wenn ihr getrennt seid. Dieses Buch eignet sich perfekt für Geburtstage, Feiertage oder als aufmerksame Geste der Wertschätzung und hilft Kindern, die Beiträge ihrer Eltern zu verstehen und stolz darauf zu sein, sodass es für viele Jahre ein geschätztes Andenken bleibt.
and Smol's
at Mum's
Oliver and Smol's
Adventures at
Hey, it’s a small fluffball! Is it alive, is it hurt? Better be very gentle lifting it up. Ahh, it’s so soft and warm, I wonder what could it be?! First a tiny pink nose, then two fluffy ears appear with funny markings, then four tiny paws unfurl from what looks like a miniature blanket. "Is this animal wrapped in a blanket", wonders Oliver... -- the small animal IS the blanket! Oliver has never seen such an adorable creature before and gently strokes its head with a finger.
And just to prove its love of words, the tiny fluffball continues in a very thin voice, but so fast that Oliver can barely keep up:
"Pleeease help me! Your glass—bam!—came right at my head! And I’m sooo hungry, I haven’t eaten in forever! I mean, who even knows how long? I left the zoooo for a little daytime adventure while my family was snoozing—like they always do—but now I’m lost! LOST! I can't find my way back and I miss my family!"
"Aren’t these sugar gliders adorable?" Mum asks with a smile.
"I thought I saw one at work… and one at home…
but that couldn't be… right, Oliver?"
What do you think, Oliver? Should you tell your Mum
about your little adventure, or should that be
your and Smol’s little secret?
"Are you alone a lot, where is your Mum?," Smol asks with curious eyes.
"I wish my Mum were with me aaaall the time, but she leaves almost every morning and comes home late. She says it’s work, but I have no idea what that is" says Oliver in a sad voice.
"Yeah, work tastes really bad," Smol declares blowing a raspberry, but then quickly adds: "What IS work? I've never eaten THAT before..."
"Ha ha, it's not food, it’s a place where she goes, and…"
"I can go there too!" Smol jumpes up on the bookshelf and glides towards the table. Then to the bed.
"Whoaaaa, you can FLY?!" exclaims Oliver trembling with excitement.
"Hey, look at all these colourful wiggly worms!"
"They’re not wiggly worms, they're maps and plans! Can’t you see them?" asks Oliver in a surprised tone, not realising that Smol doesn’t understand
anything about those drawings.
"What are maps?" inquires Smol.
"Uh… they help you find your way around unfamiliar places, guide you to secret buried treasures,"
explains Oliver.
"I looove unfamiliar places! They’re great for playing hide and seek!" exclaims Smol disappearing from the room
in that very second.
"Smol, where are you, where have you gone?" Oliver goes searching for Smol, but soon hears giggling from the kitchen.
"You’re hiding in a glass! I can see you!" laughs Oliver at Smol’s ingenious hiding place.
"Hey, no peeking!" grimaces Smol, and quickly looks for another hiding place.
Where is Smol hiding now? Hey, Oliver, how about finding Smol in the pictures? How can Smol accompany the parent to work without getting lost in traffic? Can you think of a good plan, Oliver?
"You know you can ask me anything, right, Oliver?
I’m always here whenever you want to talk.
I may go away to work, but I’ll always come home to you, and I'll always be there for you
if you ever need me. I love you, Oliver."
"I love you too, Mum," Oliver says, feeling a fuzzy warmth inside.
It is so good to be loved and cared for.
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Personalisiert euer Buch unten:
Wählen Sie die Sprache Ihres Buches
Wie sieht das Kind aus?
Klicken Sie auf das Avatar, das the child am besten darstellt
Wie sieht Mum aus?
and Smol's
at Mum's
Oliver and Smol's
Adventures at
Such a beautiful day to play with your favourite toys, Oliver! Hey, what's that sound? A soft thud came from the window, as if something small and fluffy has just hit the glass! What can it be? You'd better go and investigate!
Hey, it’s a small fluffball! Is it alive, is it hurt? Better be very gentle lifting it up. Ahh, it’s so soft and warm, I wonder what could it be?! First a tiny pink nose, then two fluffy ears appear with funny markings, then four tiny paws unfurl from what looks like a miniature blanket. "Is this animal wrapped in a blanket", wonders Oliver... -- the small animal IS the blanket! Oliver has never seen such an adorable creature before and gently strokes its head with a finger.
"Ahh, my head," the tiny creature squeaks, opening its huge, black and sparkly eyes. Then it almost jumps out of the child's hands: "Yikes, who are you?"
"Aaaare... youuuu... talking?" stutters Oliver.
"Of course I do," replies the fluffball valiantly. "I just LOVE to talk," the small creature adds and seems to have perfectly regained its strength."
And just to prove its love of words, the tiny fluffball continues in a very thin voice, but so fast that Oliver can barely keep up:
"Pleeease help me! Your glass—bam!—came right at my head! And I’m sooo hungry, I haven’t eaten in forever! I mean, who even knows how long? I left the zoooo for a little daytime adventure while my family was snoozing—like they always do—but now I’m lost! LOST! I can't find my way back and I miss my family!"
"Don’t worry, little fluffball, I'll…"
"Smol," intervenes the tiny animal. "My name is Smol.
I'm a sugar glider, not a fluffball, not a flying squirrel, not a mouse with wings,
definitely not a bat, and certainly not a rat!"
"Okay, okay, Smol, nice to meet you, I’m Oliver!"
"Wow, you have such a pretty name, I’m so glad I landed on your er... glass door?"
"That’s my window. Come, I'll take you inside! So you're starving, what would you like to eat?"
"Do you have some juicy insects?"
"Ew, no, are you really eating that?"
"Yeah, when they're in season, they're sooo yummy! Then do you have any eucalyptus or acacia sap and gum?"
"Whaa? Eucawhatnow?"
"Nectar? Pollen? Honeydew?"
"I have no idea what these are…"
"Hmm, okay, how about some fruit?"
"Yep, I think I have some apples left in my room," says Oliver.
"Apples are delicious, I looove apples! And bananas, grapes, oranges, pears, melons, papayas, pawpaws, kiwiwises..."
"Pawpaws and kiwiwises? Now you're just making fruit up," Oliver giggles, but is trying to remain serious.
"No, no, pawpaws are real and sooo yummy, and the kiwiwis are greeeen!" Smol explains eagerly. At this point Oliver can no longer keep a straight face and bursts into laughter. Smol gets so startled by the sudden outburst that he hides under the bed.
"Don't be afraid Smol, I won't let anything happen to you," Oliver says in a comforting tone, reaching towards Smol. "I get scared sometimes too, especially when I'm alone, but now we can look after each other and I'll help you find your way back to your family. Okay?"
"Are you alone a lot, where is your Mum?," Smol asks with curious eyes.
"I wish my Mum were with me aaaall the time, but she leaves almost every morning and comes home late. She says it’s work, but I have no idea what that is" says Oliver in a sad voice.
"Yeah, work tastes really bad," Smol declares blowing a raspberry, but then quickly adds: "What IS work? I've never eaten THAT before..."
"Ha ha, it's not food, it’s a place where she goes, and…"
"I can go there too!" Smol jumpes up on the bookshelf and glides towards the table. Then to the bed.
"Whoaaaa, you can FLY?!" exclaims Oliver trembling with excitement.
"Not like a bird, but I can GLIDE from trees and high places like a sugar glider.
I'm a mighty aviator, a super glider, an amazing skydiver, a magnificent..."
"… window bumper?" chuckles Oliver.
"Ha ha, very funny, Oliver, it was TRANSPARENT!"
"Okay, I'm just teasing you little fella, please, don’t be upset. Are you serious about going to this workplace?"
"I'd love to! I could sneak into this mysterious place and then tell you all about it.
I’m a master of stealth and disguise and gliding and sneaking into small places and gliding…
have I mentioned gliding?"
"But what about your family?" asks Oliver.
"Eh, they can wait, ADVENTURE awaits!" exclaims Smol with some extra sparkle in his eyes.
"Yeah, but are you in good shape? It’s going to be a long day and lots to see, won’t you get tired?" asks Oliver.
"Well, it’s true that I take a lot of naps during the day. I'm nocturnal, you know,
I should sleep during the day and be active at night, but it's soooo boring, daytime is much more fun!
I guess I could improve my super strength…THAT would be FUN!"
"Let’s get you ready then… tomorrow," yawns Oliver.
"Hey, Oliver, what an appetite you have this morning!" remarks Mum proudly, after Oliver has cleared the plate and has taken some extra fruit. Little does she know about the kid's secret, fluffy pet.
The next morning, after a hearty breakfast of fruit and vegetables and some hard-boiled eggs that Oliver smuggled into her room for Smol to eat, they start the training.
"That’s it, no more edible training equipment for you," Oliver concludes.
"Hey, you’ve got to stay focused!"
"You've got to stay in shape – one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, one, two..."
The next morning, Smol sneaks out the window the moment Mum leaves the house. Smol carefully lands on a tree but when looking down, he can't spot Mum anywhere. There are so many people on the streets. Did Mum get in a car? Did she get on the bus or the trolley? Did Mum walk to work or just to the station?
Did she ride his bike? How does Mum get to work? Smol gets so confused that he has to go back.
"This work thing is soooo hard," complains Smol, then adds: "I'd better give up right now and take a nap!"
"That isn’t work, it's just traffic!" laughs Oliver.
"And you cannot give up at the very beginning, the adventure has just begun!"
"I can’t?" asks Smol with genuine curiosity.
"Of course not! Don’t worry, we’ll come up with a new plan and you can try again tomorrow," says Oliver starting to gather colored pencils and paper to draw on.
"Hey, look at all these colourful wiggly worms!"
"They’re not wiggly worms, they're maps and plans! Can’t you see them?" asks Oliver in a surprised tone, not realising that Smol doesn’t understand
anything about those drawings.
"What are maps?" inquires Smol.
"Uh… they help you find your way around unfamiliar places, guide you to secret buried treasures,"
explains Oliver.
"I looove unfamiliar places! They’re great for playing hide and seek!" exclaims Smol disappearing from the room
in that very second.
"Smol, where are you, where have you gone?" Oliver goes searching for Smol, but soon hears giggling from the kitchen.
"You’re hiding in a glass! I can see you!" laughs Oliver at Smol’s ingenious hiding place.
"Hey, no peeking!" grimaces Smol, and quickly looks for another hiding place.
Where is Smol hiding now? Hey, Oliver, how about finding Smol in the pictures? How can Smol accompany the parent to work without getting lost in traffic? Can you think of a good plan, Oliver?
Whoa, where am I? I need to slip out of here fast before I get locked into this metal box. Phew, that was close.
I must remain unnoticed, there are so many people here!
I better get out through that door, while nobody’s watching.
Success! Nobody saw me! Whaaaat? More people? Why are there so many, what is this place? They are looking for doctors, purses, no, wait, nurses, they said nurses.
I need to remember all these stuff so I can tell Oliver. Ahhh, there is just too much going on here, I better sneak out the door for some fresh air!
Bike accident, fractured leg – I wonder what these mean?
Oh, the parents are so worried!
This can't be a good thing.
They are comforting the boy, the nurses come quickly,
they are taking him in!
I better follow them; I wonder where they're going next…
Radiology? They are taking him to listen to the radio? That’s super weird. There’s nothing wrong with his ears. Or is there?
Let’s check it out!
"This machine takes pictures of your bones so that we can see where it is broken.
There it is, a small fracture that needs to be operated on by a surgeon and put in a cast.
But don’t worry, it is a minor procedure, the doctor will fix your leg right away," – explains the radiologist to the kid.
Smol: Wow, what are these weird skeleton photos? So that is what a kid looks like on the inside!
Hey, I want to look at my bones too!
Hey, what’s that lizard? Oh, that’s me!
But why am I so skinny?
Where are my wings? And my soft, fluffy fur?
All I see are my bones!
But they are so nice and white, nothing’s broken, phew.
Well, this was fun, but where did the kid go?
I'd better catch up!
Oh, no, the aliens have kidnapped the boy! No, wait, these must be the doctors who will fix the broken leg. What funny outfits they have, these sturgeons, as the radioperson said. But they don't look like sturgeons at all... or was that surgeons? Yeah, that's more like it. Oh look, the nurses are helping by giving all sorts of tools. I wish I could see better what they are doing… ugh, nope, I don't. I’m good. There are some pretty nasty things going on there, I can’t even watch anymore!
"The procedure went well, everything will be fine. His leg will be put in a cast, and the boy will need some physiotherapy after it is taken off, but he’ll be ready to ride his bike again very soon.
He just needs to be more careful with that," said the surgeon to the boy’s parents.
Smol: Oh, I’m so relieved that the kid is going to be okay! I wonder what a bike is… Does Oliver have one?
Oops, I completely forgot about Mum, where is she? I better go find her!
So many doors and so much interesting stuff in there! Like that huge machine that lets you see inside the brain. Or that lab with those thin glasses,
I tried to fit into an empty one, but it was too small even for Smol.
Hey, what is that sound, it's like crying. I better go and investigate!
Whoa, so this is where babies come from!
Aw, look at those tiny hands and toes…
so adorable, so cute, and soooo loud, I better get out of here fast!
Hey, they stopped crying, and now they’re all looking at me!
Yay, I have magic powers, I knew it!
Even babies love me!
"Dad is giving blood to those who need it. When you are healthy, you have plenty of blood and you won’t even notice it’s gone because your body creates new blood. But the blood you give can save someone’s life who has been in an accident or is very ill.
When you grow up, you can also give blood and be someone’s superhero!" explains the mother to her daughter in the waiting room.
Smol: This blood thing is interesting, it can save someone’s life!
"Keep still, this won’t hurt a bit," said the dentist.
"Try not to talk, sweetheart, it will be over sooner if you keep still," added the parent.
Smol: Hey, I can see down your throat! What happened to your teeth?
Look at my teeth: so shiny and sharp. And I don’t even have to floss. I chew on an eucalyptus twig every now and then and they’re good as new! My breath is always fresh and ecualyptuseee.
Hey, don’t point at me, you’re gonna blow my cover! I'd better get out of here before someone else sees me!
Hey, so many balls, this must be a playground!
No, wait, these patients are training, just like I did with Oliver!
They must be preparing for a great adventure.
Oh, but many of them can't move properly. Some can barely walk…
They must have had an accident, like that little boy.
This is probably where they get better with the help of these exercises in this fizzy-o-terra-pit.
Phy-si-o-the-ra-py! That’s the word I saw on the door!
Oh boy, what would I do without my super memory?
Oh, look, a hotel for kids. So many beds, I wish I could take a nap here.
That boy looks familiar, he’s the kid from the bike accident!
Wow, his leg is completely white, that must be the cast they put on after the surgery.
He’s laughing and smiling at his parents, so he must be fine. What a relief, I'm so glad he's well!
His Dad is very funny, he must know a lot of Dad jokes.
Oh, I'm back where I started from and I still haven’t found Mum.
But this hospital is huge, it’s so easy to get lost in it.
I'd better wait for Mum right here in the pocket, it's the safest spot, nice and cozy…
I wonder which locker it was? This one’s closed, this one’s smelly, this one’s empty, this one is IT!
Or at least, I hope THESE were the clothes Mum wore. Yep, that’s the scent.
I’m so sleepy again, now I can FINALLY take a well deserved nap!
I wonder why it was left open, does Mum suspect something?
"Smol! Where are you? Are you back?
Where are you hiding?"
Oliver desperately looks for Smol in the hallway.
"What are you looking for, Oliver?" asks Mum.
"Er, nothing," Oliver mutters.
"Oliver, Oliver, where are you?" Smol squeaks loudly from the pocket,
not having realized that Mum is standing right next to them.
"What was that?" Mum asks in a surprised tone.
"Nothing," squeals Oliver in a thin voice. "I'm just practicing my squeaking. Oliver, Oliver..."
"Okay," laughs Mum. "But you'd better practice that in your room."
"Phew, that was close," giggles Oliver as Mum has left and takes Smol out of the pocket.
"So, tell me all about it, what did you see?"
Back in the room, Smol tells everything, how much fun that was, what an adventure!
"I can’t wait to tell my family all about it, they won’t believe their ears," Smol laughs, but then suddenly gets sad.
Oliver notices this and asks: "Do you miss your family, Smol?"
"I think so, didn’t realize it until now… but I do miss them. Can you take me to them, Oliver?"
"Hmmm…. I wish I could, but how?" ponders Oliver.
At that moment Mum appears at the door!
"Hey, Oliver, where do you want to go this weekend?"
"That’s it!" Oliver jumps up in joy realizing the best solution.
"Let’s go to the zoo!"
"Wow, you’re really excited about the zoo, aren’t you?"
laughs Mum, then adds:
"Great idea, now come, dinner's ready!"
When the weekend comes, Smol and Oliver prepare for the trip to the zoo.
They find the perfect hiding place for Smol.
"What do you want to see first, Oliver?" asks Mum at the zoo.
"The sugar gliders!" exclaims Oliver running up to the big eucalyptus tree next to the sugar gliders' oasis.
Here the small fluffballs snore in tiny hammocks.
Smol quickly gets out so no one would notice, and runs up the tree and back into his lovely home.
"Bye, my little friend..." Oliver says with teary eyes.
"Hey, your eyes are leaking," Smol remarks, then quickly adds, "I’ll miss you too, come visit me often!"
"I will, Smol, I will," Oliver promises, "but you can visit me too, remember what a map is? I made you one for my house while you were away, so you can visit me anytime." Oliver slips a tiny piece of paper through the opening to Smol.
By this time, Smol’s family has already woken up and is welcoming him back. Strangely enough, Oliver doesn't understand a word they are saying. This is when he realizes that Smol is indeed a unique friend, one in a million.
"Aren’t these sugar gliders adorable?" Mum asks with a smile.
"I thought I saw one at work… and one at home…
but that couldn't be… right, Oliver?"
What do you think, Oliver? Should you tell your Mum
about your little adventure, or should that be
your and Smol’s little secret?
"You know you can ask me anything, right, Oliver?
I’m always here whenever you want to talk.
I may go away to work, but I’ll always come home to you, and I'll always be there for you
if you ever need me. I love you, Oliver."
"I love you too, Mum," Oliver says, feeling a fuzzy warmth inside.
It is so good to be loved and cared for.
So what did Smol see, Oliver?
What were all those people doing there?
Ask Mum, where was she in that place?
Ask Mum, what she was doing there?
Ask Mum to tell her funniest or favourite story from work!
How awesome was it to fly around with Smol and discover all the cool things! But guess what? Your adventures don’t stop here! Whether you’re learning how to master big feelings or playing on the world’s biggest sports stadiums, more stories await where YOU are the star!!
Discover your next adventure at cukibo.com!
This book is dedicated to all the incredible people in the medical field.
Thank you for being real-life superheroes every day!
Thank you to our amazing designer Eszter. Her magical touch brought this story to life. Thanks also to our wonderful writer Erzsebet. She made this adventure so fun to read! Thanks to our eagle-eyed editors, Alex and Dragos, who really wanted to bring this book to reality.
Einige unserer Bücher können für mehr als ein Kind personalisiert werden! Dieses Buch ist jedoch als einzigartiges Geschenk gedacht, das nur für ein Kind personalisiert werden kann. Wir möchten, dass sich unsere kleinen Leser besonders fühlen und sich im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens sehen.
Ja! Dieses Buch ist für Kinder bis 10 Jahre gedacht, mit fesselnden Geschichten und Illustrationen, die perfekt für junge Leser und kleine Zuhörer sind. Die Personalisierung macht es zu einem Erlebnis für die ganze Familie. Manchmal kaufen Eltern und Verwandte unsere personalisierten Bücher auch für ältere Kinder, die sich ebenfalls über diese einzigartigen, bedeutungsvollen Geschenke freuen.
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Wählen Sie Ihre perfekte Sprache! Unser Märchenbuch ist in 8 verschiedenen Sprachen erhältlich: Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Polnisch, Russisch und Rumänisch. Ideal für Ihr Kind oder als Geschenk, passt es sich Ihren Bedürfnissen an. Wählen Sie bei der Personalisierung einfach Ihre bevorzugte Sprache aus. Die Geschichte entfaltet sich dann so, dass sie jeden Leser anspricht und einbezieht. Ob als Gutenachtgeschichte oder zum Vorlesen über Grenzen hinweg – unser Buch überwindet Sprachbarrieren und erweckt Geschichten auf eine Weise zum Leben, die jedes einzelne Kind anspricht.
(5.0) 4 Bewertungen
Jennifer M.
Als Krankenschwester, die lange Schichten arbeitet, suchte ich nach einer Möglichkeit, meiner Tochter zu erklären, was ich im Krankenhaus mache. Dieses Buch ist genau das, was wir brauchten! Es erklärt auf unterhaltsame und ansprechende Weise, wie wichtig die Arbeit im Krankenhaus ist und wie Eltern wie ich anderen helfen. Meine Tochter sieht mich jetzt als Superheldin, was mich sehr stolz macht. Sehr empfehlenswert für alle Eltern im Gesundheitswesen!
Dr. Samuel T.
Als Arzt mit langen Arbeitszeiten im Krankenhaus hatte ich oft das Gefühl, dass meine Kinder nicht verstanden, warum ich nicht zu Hause war. Smols Abenteuer im Krankenhaus war eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, ihnen meinen Beruf zu erklären und ihnen zu zeigen, wie wichtig meine Arbeit ist. Dadurch waren sie stolz auf mich und das Krankenhaus wurde für sie zu einem Ort des Staunens und nicht zu etwas Unheimlichem.
Dr. Helen K.
Smols Abenteuer im Krankenhaus ist ein fantastisches Buch für Kinder, deren Eltern im Gesundheitswesen arbeiten. Als Arzt war es mir wichtig, einen Weg zu finden, die Bedeutung meines Berufs auf eine Weise zu erklären, die meine Kinder verstehen können. Dieses Buch schafft das perfekt, indem es zeigt, wie Krankenhausmitarbeiter, wie Superhelden, jeden Tag etwas bewirken. Meine Kinder lieben die Geschichte und fühlen sich jetzt mehr mit meiner Arbeit verbunden.
Angela P.
Da ich als Krankenschwester viele Stunden am Tag nicht zu Hause bin, war es für meine Kinder schwer, meine Rolle im Krankenhaus zu verstehen. „Smols Abenteuer im Krankenhaus“ ist eine wunderbare Ressource, um die Bedeutung der Arbeit im Gesundheitswesen zu erklären. Smol ist so süß und lustig und meine Kinder lieben ihn. Dank ihm verstehen meine Kinder jetzt, warum ich weg bin und wie wichtig meine Arbeit ist. Ich bin so dankbar für dieses Buch!