Embárcate en una aventura encantadora a Alemania con este libro personalizado que celebra las tradiciones y la cultura alemana. Desde sabores típicos hasta historias familiares que cobran vida, esta obra única permite a tu hijo descubrir el rico legado de tu familia. Un tesoro emocional para toda la vida.
Dentro de este libro personalizado para niños sobre Alemania, descubrirás una aventura mágica que da vida a las tradiciones queridas y las maravillas culturales de Alemania. La historia ofrece la oportunidad de celebrar los lazos familiares, incluyendo a los padres alemanes, abuelos u otros seres queridos como parte de la trama. Los niños se deleitarán con ilustraciones bellamente diseñadas, resaltando los recuerdos familiares más queridos. Con elementos interactivos como encontrar la bandera alemana y marcar lugares especiales en el mapa, este libro es un viaje lleno de amor y herencia que cautivará a toda la familia.
Cada libro personalizado contiene 30 páginas bellamente ilustradas, disponibles en dos tamaños para adaptarse a tus necesidades:
El popular formato A4 horizontal, ideal para leer y compartir juntos
O el compacto A5 horizontal, perfecto para manos pequeñas pero igualmente rico en calidad e historia.
Cada libro se imprime uno a uno con la tecnología más avanzada para garantizar el máximo detalle y colores vibrantes. La resistente cubierta está diseñada para soportar años de disfrute, mientras que el papel ecológico agrega un toque considerado, haciendo de este regalo algo memorable y amable con el medio ambiente.
¡Personalizar tu libro es rápido y fácil! Comienza ingresando el nombre del niño y añade el nombre del padre, familiar u otra persona querida que te gustaría incluir. Escoge el personaje que más se asemeje a tu hijo y selecciona el idioma del libro. Sigue los pasos sencillos para obtener una vista previa instantánea de tu libro, asegurándote de que cada detalle sea perfecto. ¡Mira nuestro video corto para ver cómo puedes crear una historia única en minutos!
Sumérgete en un mundo de maravillas con este libro personalizado sobre Alemania—creado para celebrar la herencia de tu familia y fortalecer los lazos que hacen que cada niño se sienta amado y conectado. Esta historia encantadora da vida a tus raíces alemanas, entrelazando tradiciones queridas, costumbres preciadas y recuerdos inolvidables en una aventura tan única como tu familia. ¡Imagina la alegría de ver a los padres alemanes, abuelos o incluso a Oma y Opa cobrar vida en las páginas, acompañando a los pequeños en este mágico viaje a Alemania! Desde aprender canciones alemanas tradicionales para niños hasta practicar pasos de baile tradicionales, y desde saborear platos alemanes atemporales hasta revivir las tradiciones familiares de las fiestas, este libro invita a los niños a explorar lo que hace especial su herencia. Ya sea descubriendo la belleza de los mercados navideños, cocinando recetas alemanas favoritas juntos o celebrando la Pascua con una cena tradicional, cada página está llena de oportunidades para compartir amor, risas y orgullo cultural.
Your Journey to
Sharing this journey with you:
Germany is a beautiful large country with lots of forests, woodlands and picturesque plains, crossed by some of Europe's largest rivers, Oliver. Gorgeous coastlines and lakes make for fun destinations for the holidays or weekend get-aways for kids and their parents and friends. There, in the summertime, children can try water sports, play with the ball or even build sandcastles on some beaches, next to their giant wicker seats called beach baskets.
Lots of kids also go to the mountains or forested hills in the summer to play
in the fresh air. The highest peak in Germany is called Zugspitze, which means
windy peak. There you can go hiking, biking or have adventures in the forests.
Who do you know in your family who can tell you more about summer in Germany? Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child during the summer?
Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child during the summer?
Are you curious about winter in Germany?
There is often snow in winter in Germany
and it can get incredibly cold, Oliver.
In the cities, the children go ice-skating, or they take
their sledge and enjoy a ride in one of the hilly parks.
And in the south and southeast, you have many popular skiing regions with thick and lush snow, where people enjoy their holidays or their weekends catching snowflakes and building snowmen. Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences
when she was a child?
Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences
when she was a child?
Anyone’s stomach will start to rumble
after playing sports, right?
Time to eat!
What do you think Germans like to eat?
The Germans can be proud of the country´s traditional folk dances and music.
A dance, which is one of the oldest dance routines in the world, is Schuhplattler.
It is a dance in a circle or a line, in which the dancers repeatedly hit
the soles of their shoes, their thighs, and their knees.
Páginas de muestra para vista previa – Haz clic en "Vista previa del libro" para ver la vista previa completa antes de realizar el pedido.
Personaliza tu libro abajo:
Elige el idioma de tu libro
Your Journey to
Sharing this journey with you:
Your Journey to
Many, many years ago Mum came into this world. This was a long time before you were born, Oliver! Mum was born as you were, but she was not born in Switzerland, where you live now. Mum was born in Germany, which is in a different country.
Let's share more about this wonderful place because, in a way,
a part of you also comes from Germany.
This was a long time before you were born, Oliver!Mum was born as you were, but she was not born in Switzerland, where you live now. Mum was born in Germany, which is in a different country.
Let's share more about this wonderful place because, in a way,
a part of you also comes from Germany.
Here you can see a map of the world, Oliver.
Can you find the flag with a white cross on red background? Very good! This is where you are right now – in Switzerland!
The German flag has a black, a red and a golden stripe on it.
Can you see it? That is where Germany is.
with a white cross on red background?Very good! This is where you are right now – in Switzerland!
The German flag has a black, a red and a golden stripe on it.
Can you see it? That is where Germany is.
How far away is Germany? With a car, you need between one and ten hours, depending on your final destination in Germany!
This is like having a couple of breaks for playing and reading.
Wow… This is not so long. You would get there quite fast, Oliver!
With a car, you need between one and ten hours, depending on your final destination in Germany!
This is like having a couple of breaks for playing and reading.
Wow… This is not so long. You would get there quite fast, Oliver!
It’s also easier to get there with a plane, and the flight takes around one hour. One hour is the time for a play date or for reading a couple of stories.
Germany is a beautiful large country with lots of forests, woodlands and picturesque plains, crossed by some of Europe's largest rivers, Oliver. Gorgeous coastlines and lakes make for fun destinations for the holidays or weekend get-aways for kids and their parents and friends. There, in the summertime, children can try water sports, play with the ball or even build sandcastles on some beaches, next to their giant wicker seats called beach baskets.
Lots of kids also go to the mountains or forested hills in the summer to play
in the fresh air. The highest peak in Germany is called Zugspitze, which means
windy peak. There you can go hiking, biking or have adventures in the forests.
Who do you know in your family who can tell you more about summer in Germany? Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child during the summer?
Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child during the summer?
Are you curious about winter in Germany?
There is often snow in winter in Germany
and it can get incredibly cold, Oliver.
In the cities, the children go ice-skating, or they take
their sledge and enjoy a ride in one of the hilly parks.
And in the south and southeast, you have many popular skiing regions with thick and lush snow, where people enjoy their holidays or their weekends catching snowflakes and building snowmen. Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences
when she was a child?
Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences
when she was a child?
How about the money used in Germany and in Switzerland?
When you are out shopping, you’ve probably seen
the coins and banknotes used in Switzerland. They are called Swiss Franc.
They are called Swiss Franc.
In Germany, the money is called Euro. It is the same as money in other EU countries. Before the Euro, Germany had its own money, which was called Deutschmarks. Does Mum have some Euro or even maybe some old Deutschmark coins to show you? German children put Euro coins in their piggy banks!
Have you ever seen any of this stuff, Oliver?
This is the equipment used for playing
some of Germany’s favourite sports.
All over the country, children love to play football
and many families watch matches together.
Other typical and very intense sports are hockey, handball, basketball and tennis. Most sports are team sports, where kids form dear friendships and fond memories. Handball, a game in which two teams pass a ball using their hands with the aim of throwing it into the goal of the other team,
was first invented in Germany.
Isn't this incredible, Oliver?
Anyone’s stomach will start to rumble
after playing sports, right?
Time to eat!
What do you think Germans like to eat?
The food in Germany is as diverse as the country, depending in which region you are. But some stand out: bread with over 300 different kinds and sausages with over 1000 different types. Imagine counting until 1000! plus seeing and tasting so many delicious ones. Currywurst is also popular and delicious, and there is even a museum dedicated to it. Germans love their Sauerbraten, Sauerkraut and dumplings.
And you might love Berliner! This is a typical doughnut with delicious jam filling. What are Mum's favourite German dishes? Have you ever made German food together?
What are Mum's favourite German dishes? Have you ever made German food together?
The Germans can be proud of the country´s traditional folk dances and music.
A dance, which is one of the oldest dance routines in the world, is Schuhplattler.
It is a dance in a circle or a line, in which the dancers repeatedly hit
the soles of their shoes, their thighs, and their knees.
Der Deutsche is also an old dance in which couples dance in a circle. It is considered to be the mother of the waltz. Aren't all these nice traditions, Oliver? Maybe Mum can show you some steps of a traditional dance and introduce you to the typical music?
The capital of Germany is Berlin! It is a vast city, with many bridges, beautiful buildings.
It has the largest train station in Europe and hosts the largest zoo in the whole world!
Every year, many cities have big celebrations called Carnivals,
where people dress up in funny costumes, watch beautiful parades
and kids have lots of sweets including Gummy Bears thrown at them.
Gummy Bears originate from Germany, and it's a delicious and fun treat for the children and adults alike. You can also enjoy them
while touring the largest ever miniature model railway and airport museum attraction in Hamburg.
Imagine a whole building full of small trains, streets,
cars, airports - every kid and even an adult's dream!
How fantastic does it sound to you, Oliver?
You can explore Germany's cities, villages and spectacular castles by car on the fast highways, or by fast trains called ICEs,
or even by this magical airship called Zeppelin.
You can see them up in the air from far away, and they are as big as it gets on the skyline, Oliver: Wow, imagine being inside one!
During the journeys take a book with you. Actually, the first-ever book was printed in Germany. Speaking about books and the German language, how about have together some fun and try to pronounce the longest word ever "Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft"! What parts of Germany has Mum explored and enjoyed already? Can she tell you more about her favourite places in Germany?
What parts of Germany has Mum explored and enjoyed already? Can she tell you more about her favourite places in Germany?
Where exactly in Germany does Mum
come from, Oliver?
You can mark the place on the map here!
Who else do you know in Germany?
Where do they live?
Now you have learned so many things
about Germany, haven’t you?
What do you find most exciting
about the country?
And what would you like to share with
your friends about Germany?
They will enjoy learning more about this wonderful
country, where a part of you also comes from. Remember that Mum is always here for you
to share more about her story and to answer anything
you are curious to know.
So, ask any questions or revisit your favourite
parts of this book's journey to
Mum's home country!
Auf Wiedersehen! Tschüss! Pfiat di!
Remember that Mum is always here for you
to share more about her story and to answer anything
you are curious to know.
So, ask any questions or revisit your favourite
parts of this book's journey to
Mum's home country!
Auf Wiedersehen! Tschüss! Pfiat di!
Every Book
Your Own Adventure
Selecciona el tamaño del libro
Viaje a Alemania - F.A.Q.
Personalizar el libro para más de un niño es posible en algunos de nuestros libros. Sin embargo, este libro está diseñado para ser un regalo único y solo puede personalizarse para un niño. Queremos que nuestros pequeños lectores se sientan especiales y conecten con la historia al verse en el centro de la acción.
¡Sí! Este libro está diseñado para niños de 1 a 10 años, con historias y ilustraciones atractivas perfectas para lectores jóvenes y pequeños oyentes. La personalización hace que sea una experiencia agradable para toda la familia. Dicho esto, algunos padres o familiares han comprado libros personalizados para niños mayores, y también los disfrutaron como regalos únicos y personales.
Tu libro se imprime especialmente para ti, garantizando la mejor calidad en cada copia. Una vez realizado el pedido, tu libro se envía a impresión en un plazo de 2 horas. Generalmente toma de 3 a 4 días laborales para la producción y el envío. El envío puede demorar entre 1 día laborable y más de una semana, dependiendo del país de destino y el método de envío seleccionado en la caja. Puedes elegir entre opciones exprés como DHL o FedEx, y opciones más lentas pero económicas con el correo local. Ofrecemos entrega en todo el mundo, ¡así que tu libro puede llegar a donde estés!
Sí, dependiendo del método de envío que elijas en la caja. Nuestras opciones de envío exprés y con seguimiento incluyen seguimiento completo, por lo que puedes seguir el recorrido de tu libro hasta tu puerta. Para pedidos sin seguimiento (la opción más económica), no está disponible el rastreo. Por eso pedimos tu número de WhatsApp y correo electrónico, para mantenerte informado en cada paso del camino, independientemente de tu elección de envío.
¡Por supuesto! Nuestro libro está disponible en varios idiomas: Inglés o Alemán, así que puedes elegir el que sea más cómodo para tu hijo, otros seres queridos o amigos a quienes quieras regalar el libro. Simplemente selecciona el idioma durante la personalización y toda la historia estará adaptada para hacer que todos se sientan incluidos y conectados.
(5.0) 7 opiniones
Heidi Müller
Viviendo en Estados Unidos, quería introducir a mis hijos en su herencia alemana, ¡y Viaje a Alemania fue la elección ideal! El libro está repleto de datos curiosos, bonitas ilustraciones y preguntas interesantes que dan vida a las tradiciones alemanas. Es una forma fantástica de conectar a mis hijos con nuestras raíces.
Markus Schmidt
Como expatriada alemana en el Reino Unido, siempre estoy buscando formas de enseñar a mis hijos nuestra cultura. Journey to Germany lo hace fácil y divertido. El contenido es a la vez educativo y entretenido, y las opciones de personalización lo hacen muy personal. Muy recomendable para cualquier familia con hijos en el extranjero.
Claudia Fischer
Este libro es absolutamente precioso. Vivimos en Canadá y Viaje a Alemania se ha convertido en un tesoro de nuestra casa. Las vibrantes ilustraciones y las preguntas personalizadas han suscitado maravillosas conversaciones con mis hijos sobre nuestra herencia. Es una forma encantadora de enseñarles Alemania.
Tobias Weber
Le regalé Viaje a Alemania a mi sobrina, ¡y le encanta! El libro no sólo es educativo, sino también interactivo, lo que hace que sea muy divertido para ella aprender sobre Alemania. Lo recomiendo encarecidamente a cualquier familia germanoparlante que viva en el extranjero.
Julia Krause
Como familia alemana que vive en España, queríamos algo que ayudara a nuestros hijos a conectar con su lengua y su cultura. Viaje a Alemania es la solución perfecta. El libro es atractivo, educativo y fomenta grandes debates sobre nuestras tradiciones alemanas. Se ha convertido en un favorito en nuestra casa.
Stefan Bauer
Este libro es una forma increíble de que mis hijos aprendan más sobre Alemania mientras vivimos en Italia. El diseño es colorido, los datos son interesantes y las preguntas permiten disfrutar de bonitos momentos en familia. Gracias por crear un producto tan maravilloso.
Edita O.
El libro en sí es impresionante, ¡a mi hijo le encanta! Cuando el primer ejemplar llegó dañado, Cukibo envió inmediatamente uno de sustitución. Fueron muy amables y eficientes, y el nuevo libro era perfecto. Los recomiendo encarecidamente.