Pornește într-o călătorie emoționantă în Irlanda alături de micuțul tău! „O Călătorie prin Irlanda” este o carte personalizată care le aduce copiilor traditii, cultură și peisaje magice. Încurajează o conexiune profundă cu rădăcinile lor și creează momente prețioase de legătură.
O Călătorie prin Irlanda este mai mult decât o carte—este o ușă către o lume de povești, cântece și istorie care va stimula imaginația și sentimentul lor de identitate. Cu fiecare pagină, vor învăța despre căldura tradițiilor irlandeze, farmecul folclorului și legătura atemporală dintre familie și cultură. Fiecare pagină ilustrată frumos și conținutul interactiv sporește magia Irlandei și conectează copilul cu originile sale bogate.
Fiecare carte personalizată are 30 de pagini frumos ilustrate, disponibile în două dimensiuni:
Cartea format A4, ideală pentru a citi împreună - opțiunea cea mai populară
Cartea formatA5, compactă pentru mâinile mici, dar la fel de bogată în detalii și poveste
Fiecare carte este tipărită individual cu cea mai recentă tehnologie, asigurând detalii clare și culori vibrante. Coperta rezistentă este creată pentru a rezista ani de zile, iar hârtia eco-friendly adaugă un plus de atenție, făcând acest cadou nu doar memorabil, ci și prietenos cu mediul.
Personalizarea cărții tale este rapidă și ușoară! Pentru început, introdu numele copilului tău - sau al mai multor copii separați prin virgulă - și adaugă numele rudelor pe care dorești să le incluzi. Alege țara în care locuiește copilul pentru o călătorie cu adevărat personalizată. Urmează pașii simpli pentru a-ți previzualiza instantaneu cartea, asigurându-te că fiecare detaliu este perfect. Urmăriți videoclipul nostru scurt pentru a vedea cum puteți crea o poveste unică în câteva minute!
Pornește alături de copilul tău într-o călătorie magică în Irlanda cu o carte-aventură care aduce moștenirea irlandeză la viață. Călătorie în Irlanda este modul perfect de a-și explora rădăcinile, ajutându-i să înțeleagă de unde vin și cum se încadrează în lume.
Această carte personalizată pentru copii îi va stimula curiozitatea și entuziasmul, pe măsură ce învață despre frumusețea și unicitatea Irlandei. Creată cu atenție pentru minunatele tradiții irlandeze reale, pentru cultura și istoria țării, această carte aduce Irlanda mai aproape de casă, indiferent de locul în care te afli.
Pe măsură ce citiți împreună, veți împărtăși povești din viața voastră și poate chiar vă veți conecta cu membrii familiei sau prieteni născuți în Irlanda și creați alte oportunități de discuție și descoperire.
Alege cadoul perfect pentru orice copil care dorește să învețe despre originile sale într-un mod distractiv, captivant și interactiv. Călătorie în Irlanda va stimula imaginația copilului tău și îi va oferi o conexiune mai profundă cu cultura bogată și spiritul vibrant al Irlandei. Este o călătorie pe care o veți prețui împreună, creând amintiri care vor dura o viață întreagă.
Your Journey to
Sharing this journey with you:
Ireland or Éire from the Gaelic language is a beautiful island-country. Also known as 'Emerald Isle', Ireland has green pastures, lush vegetation, soft rolling hills and some coastal mountains which make for lots of fun destinations for the holidays or just weekend getaways for families. The summer is a magical time in Ireland: lots of families love to spend summertime going to the sea or to a nearby lake, where children can try many
water sports, watch surfing on massive waves, play with the ball or build
sandcastles on the beach. In a warm day, you can all enjoy 99s.
Lots of kids go out walking in the summer to play in the fresh air. The highest peak in Ireland you can conquer when you are bigger is Carrauntoohil. Ireland has many fabulous castles, medieval tower houses to ruins perched by the sea or rivers. There you can go hiking, biking or you can have a picnic with your friends on a slower day.
Who in your family can tell you more about summer in Ireland? Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child during the summer?
Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child during the summer?
Are you curious about the winter in Ireland? Typically
you have clouds and rain with the occasional sunny spell.
Sometimes it is bucketing down and it almost never snows in the cities.
Kids do get to enjoy the snow on the mountains for some weeks
every year, Oliver. There, children take their sledge
for a ride or are happy out building a snowman.
Ice Skating is becoming more and more popular in Ireland, especially during the Christmas period.
New ice skating rinks are popping up all around the country featuring ice skating, ice hockey and ice dancing for all ages. Make sure to bring a jumper with you, in case of fierce weather out there. Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences when she was a child?
Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences when she was a child?
Anyone’s stomach will start to rumble
after playing sports, right?
Time to eat!
What do you think the Irish like to eat?
The Irish can be very proud of the country´s traditional folk dances and music.
Music is one of the biggest parts of Irish culture. Celtic harps are centuries-old traditional
Irish instruments. The original Irish harp was smaller, carved out of bogwood and did not have
a foot pedal as seen in modern instruments. This beautiful Irish musical instrument is traditionally played at weddings and funerals and has a special place in Irish culture. Also, have you tried playing a squeezebox?
Pagini ilustrative din interiorul cărții. Apasă "Previzualizare Carte" și vezi cum va arăta cartea ta, înainte să o comanzi.
Personalizați-vă cartea mai jos:
Your Journey to
Sharing this journey with you:
Your Journey to
Many, many years ago Mum came into this world. This was donkey's years before you were born, Oliver! Mum was born as you were, but she was not born in Switzerland, where you live now. Mum was born in Ireland, which is in a different country.
Let's share more about this wonderful place because, in a way,
a part of you also comes from Ireland.
This was donkey's years before you were born, Oliver!Mum was born as you were, but she was not born in Switzerland, where you live now. Mum was born in Ireland, which is in a different country.
Let's share more about this wonderful place because, in a way,
a part of you also comes from Ireland.
Here you can see a map of the world, Oliver.
Can you find the flag with a white cross on red background? Very good! This is where you are right now – in Switzerland!
The Irish flag is a vertical tricolour of green, white and orange.
Can you see it? That is where Ireland is.
with a white cross on red background?Very good! This is where you are right now – in Switzerland!
The Irish flag is a vertical tricolour of green, white and orange.
Can you see it? That is where Ireland is.
How far away is Ireland? With a car, you need around 24 hours, and you need to take a car-ferry or go through a long tunnel underwater on the way!
This is like going to bed, sleeping a full night and being awake one full day.
Wow… This is very, very long. You would have to take long breaks during the drive to eat, sleep and play, Oliver!
With a car, you need around 24 hours, and you need to take a car-ferry or go through a long tunnel underwater on the way!
This is like going to bed, sleeping a full night and being awake one full day.
Wow… This is very, very long. You would have to take long breaks during the drive to eat, sleep and play, Oliver!
It’s much easier to get there on
a plane, and the flight takes around 2 hours. Two hours is the time when we finish breakfast until we return from playtime to prepare lunch.
Ireland or Éire from the Gaelic language is a beautiful island-country. Also known as 'Emerald Isle', Ireland has green pastures, lush vegetation, soft rolling hills and some coastal mountains which make for lots of fun destinations for the holidays or just weekend getaways for families. The summer is a magical time in Ireland: lots of families love to spend summertime going to the sea or to a nearby lake, where children can try many
water sports, watch surfing on massive waves, play with the ball or build
sandcastles on the beach. In a warm day, you can all enjoy 99s.
Lots of kids go out walking in the summer to play in the fresh air. The highest peak in Ireland you can conquer when you are bigger is Carrauntoohil. Ireland has many fabulous castles, medieval tower houses to ruins perched by the sea or rivers. There you can go hiking, biking or you can have a picnic with your friends on a slower day.
Who in your family can tell you more about summer in Ireland? Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child during the summer?
Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child during the summer?
Are you curious about the winter in Ireland? Typically
you have clouds and rain with the occasional sunny spell.
Sometimes it is bucketing down and it almost never snows in the cities.
Kids do get to enjoy the snow on the mountains for some weeks
every year, Oliver. There, children take their sledge
for a ride or are happy out building a snowman.
Ice Skating is becoming more and more popular in Ireland, especially during the Christmas period.
New ice skating rinks are popping up all around the country featuring ice skating, ice hockey and ice dancing for all ages. Make sure to bring a jumper with you, in case of fierce weather out there. Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences when she was a child?
Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences when she was a child?
How about the money used in Ireland and in Switzerland?
When you are out shopping, you’ve probably seen
the coins and banknotes used in Switzerland. They are called Swiss Franc.
They are called Swiss Franc.
In Ireland, the money is called the Euro. It is the same as money in other EU countries. Before the Euro, Ireland had its own money, which was called the Irish pound. Does Mum have some Euro or even maybe some old Irish pound coins to show you? Irish children put Euro coins in their piggy banks!
How exciting are the Irish traditional sports, Oliver?
This is the equipment used for playing some of Ireland’s
favourite sports. Gaelic games take centre stage in many
Irish families and traditions of playing sport and
watching it are present in many households.
Hurling is one of the fastest sports in the world and it has been around for thousands of years. Hurling is played with sticks known as ‘Hurls’ and a little ball known as a ‘Sliotar’.
Oliver, imagine playing it yourself in one of the largest stadiums in Europe, Croke Park!
Anyone’s stomach will start to rumble
after playing sports, right?
Time to eat!
What do you think the Irish like to eat?
The Irish find their food nurturing and full of memories. Some of the high-quality meat and dairy products are often found all over the world. Almost every family in Ireland has its own recipe for soda bread. Some like it sweet with a spoonful of honey, sugar or dried fruits. Others prefer sprinkled-in seeds, bran and oats for a health boost, or treacle and Guinness for the opposite effect. And you can indulge in the most popular national dish, the Irish stew, a thick, hearty dish of mutton, potatoes, and onions. Also delicious is boxty, a traditional potato pancake. Boiled bacon, boiled cabbage and boiled potatoes remain to this day a family favourite. What are Mum's favourite Irish dishes? Have you ever made Irish food together?
What are Mum's favourite Irish dishes? Have you ever made Irish food together?
The Irish can be very proud of the country´s traditional folk dances and music.
Music is one of the biggest parts of Irish culture. Celtic harps are centuries-old traditional
Irish instruments. The original Irish harp was smaller, carved out of bogwood and did not have
a foot pedal as seen in modern instruments. This beautiful Irish musical instrument is traditionally played at weddings and funerals and has a special place in Irish culture. Also, have you tried playing a squeezebox?
There are six Irish dance styles. Traditional Irish Step dancing is performed by male and female dancers in long lines, circles or as partnered reels with a fast tempo. Aren't all these lovely traditions, Oliver? Maybe Mum can show you some steps of a traditional dance and introduce you to the typical music?
Irish prize folkloric and social
traditions that largely derive
from and celebrate
the country’s rural past.
Ireland is well known as the birthplace of Halloween. It has been celebrated for thousands of years and was previously known as Samhain.
During this celebration, kids dress up
and go trick-or-treating, people decorate their homes,
pumpkins are carved and placed in the window
with a candle burning inside. These spooky festivities are lots of fun for the kids.
The Puck Fair is
one the oldest
festival in Ireland.
It involves the capture
of a wild goat from the mountains,
which is then brought to the town square and crowned ‘King Puck’ by a local schoolgirl.
After three days of festivities, the goat is returned to its home unharmed.
Who can tell you more about this and
other exciting adventures,
Everything in Ireland mixes beautifully: sports, music, dances, storytelling. The capital of
Ireland is Dublin. Besides its size, beautiful
architecture and good spirit of the locals,
Dublin has a significant literary history:
you may have already heard of the
story of Ulysses, written by
James Joyce, set in Dublin
which includes much
topical detail.
Also in Dublin,
you had the creator of
Dracula, Bram Stoker.
And when you grow bigger,
you will enjoy the works of
Yeats, Bernard Shaw, Beckett,
Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift,
Seán O'Casey, Brendan Behan,
Maeve Binchy, Roddy Doyle and many more.
Imagine how much
fun you will have
roaming the streets of
Dublin or playing with
other kids Gaelic football or
hurling, or imagine and explore
new worlds through the works
written by the great artists born
or who lived in Dublin before you.
What parts of Ireland has Mum
explored and enjoyed already?
Can she tell you more
about her favourite
places in Ireland?
Where exactly in Ireland does Mum
come from, Oliver?
You can mark the place on the map here!
Who else do you know in Ireland?
Where do they live?
Now you have learned so many things
about Ireland, haven’t you?
What do you find most exciting
about the country?
And what would you like to share with
your friends about Ireland?
They will enjoy learning more about this brilliant
country, where a part of you also comes from. Remember that Mum is always here for you
to share more about her story and to answer anything
you are curious to know.
So, ask any questions or revisit your favourite
parts of this book's journey to
Mum's home country!
Slán go foill!
Remember that Mum is always here for you
to share more about her story and to answer anything
you are curious to know.
So, ask any questions or revisit your favourite
parts of this book's journey to
Mum's home country!
Slán go foill!
Every Book
Your Own Adventure
Selectați dimensiunea cărții
O Călătorie prin Irlanda - F.A.Q.
Da, se poate! Cartea noastră vă permite să includeți unul sau mai mulți copii (frați/ surori), împreună cu numele membrilor familiei (mama, tata sau bunicii sau mătușa preferată sau doar un bun prieten de familie), pentru o experiență cu adevărat personalizată. Numele fiecărui copil va apărea pe tot parcursul poveștii, făcând-o specială pentru toți copiii implicați.
Da! Această carte este creată pentru copiii de până la 10 ani, cu povești și ilustrații captivante, potrivite pentru tinerii cititori și pentru cei care doar ascultă. Personalizarea o face o experiență plăcută pentru întreaga familie. Totuși, am avut și părinți sau rude care au cumpărat cărți personalizate pentru copii mai mari, iar aceștia le-au apreciat, fiind un cadou unic și personal.
Cartea ta este tipărită special pentru tine, garantând o calitate premium la fiecare exemplar. După ce plasezi comanda, cartea sau cărțile sunt trimise la tipografie într-un interval de 2 ore. De obicei, durează între 3-4 zile lucrătoare pentru producție și expediere. Transportul poate dura de la 1 zi lucrătoare până la peste o săptămână, în funcție de țara de destinație și de metoda de livrare aleasă la finalizare. Poți alege între curieri expres precum DHL sau FedEx și opțiuni mai lente, dar mai accesibile, prin poșta locală. Oferim livrare internațională, astfel încât cartea ta poate ajunge oriunde în lume!
Da, în funcție de metoda de livrare aleasă la finalizare. Opțiunile noastre de livrare expres și cu tracking includ urmărirea completă, astfel încât să poți urmări drumul cărții tale până la destinație. Pentru comenzile fără tracking (opțiunea cea mai accesibilă), urmărirea nu este disponibilă. De aceea, solicităm numărul tău de WhatsApp și email-ul pentru a te informa în fiecare etapă, indiferent de metoda de livrare.
Ce spun clienții noștri
(5.0) 5 recenzii
Fiona O'Connor
Suntem o familie irlandeză care trăiește în SUA, am vrut ca copiii mei să învețe mai multe despre rădăcinile noastre, iar Journey to Ireland a fost soluția perfectă! Cartea este plină de ilustrații frumoase și întrebări captivante care aduc cultura noastră la viață. Este o modalitate fantastică de a rămâne conectați la Irlanda.
Brian Kelly
Am avut o mică problemă cu comanda mea, eu locuiesc în Canada, dar am fost uimit de serviciul pentru clienți! Au răspuns rapid și au rezolvat totul cu atâta eficiență. Cartea este superbă, iar copiilor mei le place să învețe despre Irlanda prin intermediul ei. Sunt extrem de mulțumit atât de produs, cât și de serviciu!
Siobhan Walsh
Suntem o familie de origine irlandeză care trăiește în Australia, iar această carte a fost o modalitate fantastică de a ne învăța copiii despre Irlanda. Întrebările personalizate o fac atât de interactivă, iar calitatea este foarte bună. A existat o mică întârziere în livrare, dar echipa de servicii pentru clienți a fost foarte utilă și m-a ținut la curent.
Declan Murphy
Am cumpărat Călătoria în Irlanda pentru copiii mei și a devenit una dintre preferatele lor. Ilustrațiile sunt frumoase, iar conținutul este atât educativ, cât și distractiv. Am avut o problemă cu data de livrare, dar echipa de servicii pentru clienți a fost fantastică, rezolvând rapid problema și asigurându-se că cartea noastră a ajuns la timp. Sunt foarte impresionat!
Dave O.
Nu am avut niciodată o experiență atât de pozitivă cu o comandă online! Cartea a fost superbă, dar a sosit ușor deteriorată. După ce am contactat Cukibo, au înlocuit-o rapid și a ajuns în formă perfectă. Nu am putut fi mai fericit!