Personalised books for children: From nursery to first day of reception class

Best first day of reception gifts: an engaging, active and inspiring kid‘s book. Helpful and lots of fun!

„What will happen at the reception class? Where is the reception class, and how do I get there? Will other children like me?“
The time from nursery leaving to the first day of reception is a whirlwind time: an exciting experience for the kid and an emotional milestone for the whole family. With this original personalised kids‘ book, you prepare the little one for the next step of joining the reception class. You also involve the child in activities and talks about everyday routines and emotions! And last but not least you have the most heart-warming keepsake for a lifetime. Fast delivery available. 

Personalised books for toddlers: put in the name in the book and choose which character are you. Make a unique gift to prepare for the reception class.

Personalised books for toddlers: put in the name in the book and choose which character are you. Make a unique gift to prepare for the reception class.

Touch a little one’s heart. Personalise the perfect nursery leaving gift or the first day of reception gifts for a soon-to-be preschooler with the name of the kid and pick a matching look of the main character: your child. By doing so, you give all pages of the personalised books for the child the most individual touch and the most powerful impact. Include your warm-hearted message which will stay with the book forever. Complete your choice by selecting your preferred book format: easy to carry around in soft or hardcover, or go for the premium edition, plush, larger and cherished. This outstandingly printed and beautifully designed children’s book helps to make 1st day of reception a cheerful and canny experience!  Look and see!

From nursery leaving to 1st day of reception: engage thoughtfully, connect playfully and give a great start to your child

From nursery leaving to 1st day of reception: engage thoughtfully, connect playfully and give a great start to your child

There are so many things on the mind of kids before their big day. The first day of reception might cause a full range of emotions: from curiosity to anxiety, from joy to fear. With the help of this personalised book, you can take your child by the hand and set off together safe and secure. Talk about daily routines with the help of engaging illustrations and well-written texts. Colour the traffic lights together, draw the day nursery‘s building and decide on your palm which symbol to connect when missing each other during the reception class' hours!

From nursery leaving to 1st day of reception: engage thoughtfully, connect playfully and give a great start to your child

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The first day of reception gifts features are the real hit:

  • Let your toddler enjoy together with you topic-oriented illustrations, activities and funny little details, so they are all best prepared for the reception class.

  • Make sure the child can recognize him-/herself  in this personalised book by choosing a matching look-alike: it is all about the little ones, right? Our best books for reception class make sure of that.

  • The book offers the support you need in essential talks and discussions throughout the time heading towards the first day of reception: latest child development research is employed.

  • Strike home with a truly unique storybook and add your message in the form of a personal short letter to the soon-to-be preschooler.

  • Keep memories alive with a book, which is home to personal pictures, private notes and warm wishes. It makes for a great nursery leaving gift, as well as an unforgettable first day of reception gifts.

  • No matter your family structure and your kid‘s – it is a match. We make sure every parent, as well as their children, are respected. Our reception class books adapt to your family.

  • 26 illustrated
  • Available in A5 as
    well as A4
  • Available as soft
    cover or hard cover
  • Variety of countries
    to choose from
  • New versions under way
  • Make nursery leaving & first day of reception a positive experience for your toddler

    Setting the foundation for a successful start in reception class is close to the hearts of many parents, caretakers but also grandparents. It is an emotional period of transition not only for the little ones but for the whole family. You wonder if there is anything you can do to help your kid to be prepared and make it an enjoyable experience?

    Create a nursery leaving gift which will oau the little one and support the next milestone
  • What to expect on the 1st day of reception? One of the best books for reception class

    When your child starts with preschool, often, you do not know what to expect. Soon your mind starts wondering: Does my child know as much as their peers? Is my kid ready for Kindergarten, and does my kid know everything he/she should know before the first day in reception? This is absolutely normal, but we should all keep in mind: Let‘s try not to be anxious as our children will feel it and might get anxious too. And the last thing we need is to add even more stress in turbulent times of change. Children should be excited about their start in reception class and feel that a new adventure is coming up! Children are naturally keen on learning new things, and every child learns at his/her own pace. With the support of the Reception teacher or preschool supervisor, things will fall into place. Try not to stress out everyone involved with learning at home sessions to get to know the alphabet, counting to 20 and writing his/her name.

  • How to prepare a child and what to know before the first day of reception in the UK

    It is encouraged to talk with your little one about the things about to come. What is the reception class like, and where is the reception class' building? How does it look? Which other children will be there and how do I get there? Have relaxed talks and exchange with the soon-to-be preschooler about emotions, expectations and your support along the way. Plan some fun activities around the start and collect some ideas for reception class. What are we going to eat? And how will we celebrate this milestone? With CUKIBO‘s highly personalised children‘s book „Starting Reception“ you will benefit from beautiful illustrations, exciting activities, and fruitful reading hours to prepare the whole family for this event.

  • How to cope when starting reception class: fearing separation anxiety

    Not every child experienced daycare out of the home or nursery before starting reception. And of course, parents, carers and grandparents want their little ones to feel safe and loved. You might experience the fear that your child might face separation anxiety issues. Think about quick goodbyes, intense hellos and consider the funny and very helpful idea of a palm symbol for you and your kid to master this challenge successfully. You find more about it in the personalised storybook first day of reception.

  • Starting reception class - what to buy? Why a personalised children book

    Oh, yes – absolutely! The individualised children book facing their start of Reception prepares the whole family for the big day but contains a lot of very personal memories as well. The storybook contains activity pages for drawings, a personal letter dedicated to the child as well as fun facts to remember. And not to forget: The child is asked to insert some pictures and photos. This book is a wonderful gift from family, friends, grandmother and grandfather, godfather and godmother, aunt, uncle and everyone, who wants to contribute with a unique and individual give-away. Last but not least, it is a thoughtful and valuable present, which will create memories for a lifetime.

  • I am a single parent. Is this a book for single parents also?

    We want your customised version of Starting Reception Class to be a match with your personal situation. The book is a match no matter the family structure – single mother, single father, raised by the grandparents, other caretakers, guardians or foster family. Not to mention patchwork and rainbow – you tailor your story for the child. On top of that, you can choose from a choice of different boy and girl characters. This way, you enable the child to recognize him-/herself in the book. Additionally, we avoid old-fashioned stereotypes when it comes to gender roles and gender issues. The next generation needs to grow up with children books showing a modern, diverse and open-minded world and society.

    Support and personalise with one of the best first day of reception gifts


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