Imagina compartir con tu pequeño la magia de Italia: paisajes deslumbrantes, tradiciones queridas y recuerdos especiales. Viaje a Italia es una historia personalizada que conecta a tu hijo con sus raíces italianas, llena de ilustraciones encantadoras y una narrativa fascinante. ¡Descubre juntos la herencia cultural de Italia!
En este libro encantador, tu hijo emprenderá un viaje mágico por Italia, traído a la vida con hermosas ilustraciones y una historia adaptada especialmente para él. Las páginas están llenas de relatos conmovedores que celebran las tradiciones y la cultura italiana, tejiendo conexiones significativas con la familia y las raíces. A lo largo del camino, las mentes curiosas descubrirán datos fascinantes sobre los paisajes, la gastronomía y las costumbres de Italia, mientras exploran momentos interactivos que fomentan conversaciones sobre la historia única de tu familia. Este libro no es solo una historia, sino un recuerdo entrañable que nutre el sentido de pertenencia, el orgullo y la alegría de descubrir Italia juntos.
Cada libro personalizado contiene 30 páginas bellamente ilustradas, disponibles en dos tamaños para adaptarse a tus necesidades:
El popular formato A4 horizontal, ideal para leer y compartir juntos
O el compacto A5 horizontal, perfecto para manos pequeñas pero igualmente rico en calidad e historia.
Cada libro se imprime uno a uno con la tecnología más avanzada para garantizar el máximo detalle y colores vibrantes. La resistente cubierta está diseñada para soportar años de disfrute, mientras que el papel ecológico agrega un toque considerado, haciendo de este regalo algo memorable y amable con el medio ambiente.
Personalizar tu libro es fácil y rápido. Empieza introduciendo el nombre de tu hijo -o de varios separados por una coma- y añade los nombres de los familiares que te gustaría incluir. Elige el país en el que vive el niño para un viaje realmente a medida, y selecciona el idioma que mejor se adapte a tu familia. Sigue los sencillos pasos para previsualizar tu libro al instante, asegurándote de que cada detalle es perfecto. Mira nuestro breve vídeo para ver cómo puedes crear una historia única en minutos.
Todo niño merece sentirse conectado con sus raíces, un sentido de pertenencia que une generaciones y lugares. Con este libro infantil personalizado sobre Italia, puedes llevar a tus pequeños o nietos en un viaje conmovedor para descubrir su herencia italiana. Esta historia cautivadora no es solo un libro; es una experiencia. Juntos, exploren las maravillas del bel Paese—desde sus vibrantes tradiciones y deliciosa gastronomía hasta los recuerdos alegres de tu propia infancia en Italia. Di adiós a los viejos estereotipos e introduce a tus pequeños a la verdadera belleza y encanto de Italia, contada a través de sus curiosos ojos.
Este encantador libro fomenta las conexiones familiares, creando un espacio para compartir recuerdos apreciados, fomentar la comprensión e inspirar un amor duradero por Italia. Ya sea que revivas tu pasado o que introduzcas a tu hijo en sus raíces, esta historia llenará tu hogar de risas, aprendizaje y amor.
Perfecto para familias italianas expatriadas, este recuerdo es amado por la diáspora italiana en todo el mundo. Comparte la aventura y deja que tu hijo descubra la esencia de Italia, todo a través de las páginas de un libro bellamente ilustrado hecho solo para él.
Your Journey to
Sharing this journey with you:
Italy or "Bel Paese" is a magical country with majestic mountains, active volcanoes and picturesque ports and sandy beaches, intertwined by over 1500 lakes, Oliver. Gorgeous coastlines and lakes make for a lot of fun destinations for the holidays or just weekend get-aways for kids and their parents and friends. There, in the summertime, children can try some water sports, play with the ball or build sandcastles on the golden sandy beaches.
After, they can enjoy a delicious gelato.
Lots of kids also go to the mountains or forested hills in the summer to play in the fresh air.
The highest peak in Italy is called Monte Bianco, and it is the highest in Europe and
covered with snow all year. There you can go hiking, biking and you can have adventures
in the forests while seeing marmots. Who do you know in your family
who can tell you more about summer in Italy? Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child
during the summer?
Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child
during the summer?
Are you curious about winter in Italy?
While in the south, the kids enjoy a mild winter, in the north,
you almost always have snow, and it can get incredibly cold, Oliver.
In the cities, the children go ice skating, or they take their sledge
and enjoy a ride in one of the hilly parks.
Italy has many popular skiing regions with thick and lush snow, where people enjoy
their holidays or their weekends catching snowflakes and building snowmen.
Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences
when she was a child?
Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences
when she was a child?
Anyone’s stomach will start to rumble
after playing sports, right?
Time to eat!
What do you think Italians like to eat?
Italy has a lively tradition of music and dance stemming from folk traditions. Italian folk
songs include ballads, lyrical songs, lullabies and children's songs. Performers of Italian folk music
use old-fashioned instruments like simple flutes and even a bagpipe-like instrument called the piva.
Born in Italy, opera is a major Italian music tradition. Folk musicians or dancers have beautiful and
colourful costumes which will catch your eye.
Páginas de muestra para vista previa – Haz clic en "Vista previa del libro" para ver la vista previa completa antes de realizar el pedido.
Personaliza tu libro abajo:
Elige el idioma de tu libro
Your Journey to
Sharing this journey with you:
Your Journey to
Many, many years ago Mum came into this world. This was a long time before you were born, Oliver! Mum was born as you were, but she was not born in Switzerland, where you live now. Mum was born in Italy, which is in a different country.
Let's share more about this wonderful place because, in a way,
a part of you also comes from Italy.
This was a long time before you were born, Oliver!Mum was born as you were, but she was not born in Switzerland, where you live now. Mum was born in Italy, which is in a different country.
Let's share more about this wonderful place because, in a way,
a part of you also comes from Italy.
Here you can see a map of the world, Oliver.
Can you find the flag with a white cross on a red background? The Italian flag is a tricolour with a green, a white and
a red stripes on it. Can you see it? That is where Italy is.
a white cross on a red background?The Italian flag is a tricolour with a green, a white and
a red stripes on it. Can you see it? That is where Italy is.
How far away is Italy? With a car, you need between one and twelve hours, depending on your final destination in Italy!
This is like having a couple of breaks for playing and reading.
Wow… This is not so long. You would get there quite fast, Oliver!
With a car, you need between one and twelve hours, depending on your final destination in Italy!
This is like having a couple of breaks for playing and reading.
Wow… This is not so long. You would get there quite fast, Oliver!
It’s relatively easy to get there with a plane, and the flight takes around 2 hours. 2 hours is the time from when we finish breakfast until we return from playtime to prepare lunch.
Italy or "Bel Paese" is a magical country with majestic mountains, active volcanoes and picturesque ports and sandy beaches, intertwined by over 1500 lakes, Oliver. Gorgeous coastlines and lakes make for a lot of fun destinations for the holidays or just weekend get-aways for kids and their parents and friends. There, in the summertime, children can try some water sports, play with the ball or build sandcastles on the golden sandy beaches.
After, they can enjoy a delicious gelato.
Lots of kids also go to the mountains or forested hills in the summer to play in the fresh air.
The highest peak in Italy is called Monte Bianco, and it is the highest in Europe and
covered with snow all year. There you can go hiking, biking and you can have adventures
in the forests while seeing marmots. Who do you know in your family
who can tell you more about summer in Italy? Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child
during the summer?
Maybe Mum has old photos from when she was a child.
What did she enjoy most as a child
during the summer?
Are you curious about winter in Italy?
While in the south, the kids enjoy a mild winter, in the north,
you almost always have snow, and it can get incredibly cold, Oliver.
In the cities, the children go ice skating, or they take their sledge
and enjoy a ride in one of the hilly parks.
Italy has many popular skiing regions with thick and lush snow, where people enjoy
their holidays or their weekends catching snowflakes and building snowmen.
Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences
when she was a child?
Can Mum tell you more about her winter experiences
when she was a child?
How about the money used in Italy and in Switzerland?
When you are out shopping, you’ve probably seen
the coins and banknotes used in Switzerland. They are called Swiss Franc.
They are called Swiss Franc.
In Italy, the money is called the Euro. They are the same money as in other European countries. Before the Euro, Italy had its own money, which was called lire. Does Mum have some Euro or even maybe some old lira coins to show you? Italian children put Euro coins in their piggy banks!
Have you ever seen any of this stuff, Oliver?
This is the equipment used for playing some
of Italy’s favourite sports.
All over the country, children love to play football
and many families watch matches together.
Other typical and very intense sports are rugby, basketball, skiing and biking. Most sports are team sports, where kids form dear friendships and fond memories. The Giro d'Italia, or Tour of Italy, is a famous bicycle race held in Italy, every spring, where cyclists compete over three gruesome weeks. Many kids watch it or go and cheer by the sidelines and dream to be part of it one day.
Isn´t this incredible, Oliver?
Anyone’s stomach will start to rumble
after playing sports, right?
Time to eat!
What do you think Italians like to eat?
Italians love their food, which is as diverse as the Italian regions are. Most dishes are based on fresh ingredients like pasta, eggplant, olives and olive oil. Kids love their pizza, which was invented in Naples. Italian pasta is famous worldwide, and there are more than 200 different shapes of it. An Italian enjoys 25 kilograms of pasta a year! Ribollita is a delicious and hearty soup, coming out of Tuscany and enjoyed by many families. And you can finish a meal with a mouth-watering gelato or a tiramisu. What are Mum's favourite Italian dishes? Have you ever made Italian food together?
What are Mum's favourite Italian dishes? Have you ever made Italian food together?
Italy has a lively tradition of music and dance stemming from folk traditions. Italian folk
songs include ballads, lyrical songs, lullabies and children's songs. Performers of Italian folk music
use old-fashioned instruments like simple flutes and even a bagpipe-like instrument called the piva.
Born in Italy, opera is a major Italian music tradition. Folk musicians or dancers have beautiful and
colourful costumes which will catch your eye.
One of the most famous Italian dances is the tarantella. A solo performer dances vigorously to a quick, upbeat song. Aren't all these lovely traditions, Oliver? Maybe Mum can show you some steps of one traditional dance and introduce you to the typical music?
With over the five thousand
kilometres of coastlines,
Italy is no doubt a country of sailors.
Summer is absolutely the right time to do sailing:
nice weather, holidays, and luckily good wind. Kids can also
roam through orange, lemons or olive farms, grab from
the trees and taste these delicious wonders.
After, they can admire one of the active volcanoes,
or try to race a cute old Fiat 500 car down the road.
In the beautiful coloured
villages, children run around and play Nascondino!
It is so much fun. There is even a hide and seek
world competition every year at Consonno Village.
The little ones can also enjoy a rich in flavours gelato at
one of the 39000 gelaterias spread all over the country,
or they can even head to a Gelato Museum.
Oau! How fantastic does it sound to you,
The carnival is one of the celebrations that children love the most. They can’t wait to dress up as their favourite hero and explore Venice's 118 small islands by many small bridges or within a beautiful gondola by water. Imagine climbing to the top of Duomo di Milano or trying to prop up the Pisa Tower or being a small gladiator in the Colosseum, Oliver!
Italians love their Vespas for shopping or visiting friends.
Once home, they can read with their kids the Pinocchio story,
written by an Italian. One nice Italian tradition refers to
La Befana, a witch with magical powers, who flies on an old
broomstick and leaves sweets and, often, a small gift that can fit
in the stocking. La Befana comes in early January, after Christmas, and cleans the slate for a good year ahead for all. What parts of Italy has Mum explored and enjoyed already?
Can she tell you more about her favourite places in Italy?
What parts of Italy has Mum explored and enjoyed already?
Can she tell you more about her favourite places in Italy?
Where exactly in Italy does Mum
come from, Oliver?
You can mark the place on the map here!
Who else do you know in Italy?
Where do they live?
Now you have learned so many things
about Italy, haven’t you?
What do you find most exciting
about the country?
And what would you like to share with
your friends about Italy?
They will enjoy learning more about this brilliant
country, where a part of you also comes from. Remember that Mum is always here for you
to share more about her story and to answer anything
you are curious to know.
So, ask any questions or revisit your favourite
parts of this book's journey to
Mum's home country!
Ciao! A presto!
Remember that Mum is always here for you
to share more about her story and to answer anything
you are curious to know.
So, ask any questions or revisit your favourite
parts of this book's journey to
Mum's home country!
Ciao! A presto!
Every book
your own adventure
Selecciona el tamaño del libro
Viaje a Italia - F.A.Q.
Sí, ¡puedes! Nuestro libro te permite incluir a uno o varios niños (hermanos/hermanas), junto con los nombres de miembros de la familia (mamá, papá o los abuelos o la tía favorita o simplemente un buen amigo de la familia), para una experiencia verdaderamente personalizada. El nombre de cada niño aparecerá a lo largo de la historia, haciéndola especial para todos los niños implicados.
¡Sí! Este libro está pensado para niños de hasta 10 años, con historias e ilustraciones atractivas que son perfectas para los jóvenes lectores y los pequeños que escuchan con atención. La personalización lo convierte en una experiencia agradable para compartir con toda la familia. Dicho esto, tuvimos padres o familiares que compraron este libro para niños mayores, y aun así lo disfrutaron, ya que era una conexión inesperada con algo muy querido para ellos.
Tu libro se imprime especialmente para ti, garantizando la mejor calidad en cada copia. Una vez realizado el pedido, tu libro se envía a impresión en un plazo de 2 horas. Generalmente toma de 3 a 4 días laborales para la producción y el envío. El envío puede demorar entre 1 día laborable y más de una semana, dependiendo del país de destino y el método de envío seleccionado en la caja. Puedes elegir entre opciones exprés como DHL o FedEx, y opciones más lentas pero económicas con el correo local. Ofrecemos entrega en todo el mundo, ¡así que tu libro puede llegar a donde estés!
Sí, dependiendo del método de envío que elijas en la caja. Nuestras opciones de envío exprés y con seguimiento incluyen seguimiento completo, por lo que puedes seguir el recorrido de tu libro hasta tu puerta. Para pedidos sin seguimiento (la opción más económica), no está disponible el rastreo. Por eso pedimos tu número de WhatsApp y correo electrónico, para mantenerte informado en cada paso del camino, independientemente de tu elección de envío.
Adapta la experiencia al viaje lingüístico de tu familia:
Edición en inglés: Perfecta para familias anglófonas que quieren introducirse en la cultura italiana.
Edición en italiano: Ideal para hablantes nativos de italiano o para quienes deseen sumergir a su hijo en la lengua italiana.
¿Cuál habla al corazón de tu hijo? ¿O tal vez un querido amigo apreciaría este regalo en su lengua materna? Al personalizar el libro, selecciona la lengua perfecta. Al instante, toda la historia se transforma, tejiendo su magia con las palabras elegidas. Cada página resonará y cada personaje te resultará familiar, atrayendo a los lectores a una historia que es verdaderamente suya.
(5.0) 6 opiniones
Virginia Settepani
¡Una idea absolutamente increíble, me ENCANTÓ! Lo compré para mis hijos y como regalo para varios amigos ya que todos vivimos lejos de nuestro hogar. Proporciona información amena de una manera amigable para los niños y muchas preguntas que dan la oportunidad a los padres de hablar sobre su propia cultura, idioma, experiencias en el país de origen, etc. Realmente asombroso, ¡muy contento con el resultado!
Alessandra Bianchi
Estoy impresionada con este libro. Se lo compré a mi hija y es una forma muy creativa de presentarle nuestras raíces italianas mientras vivimos en el extranjero. Las preguntas y las ilustraciones facilitan la explicación de las tradiciones, el idioma y las historias de nuestro país. Ahora es su libro favorito. ¡Grazie mille!
Lorenzo Esposito
Viviendo lejos de Italia, buscaba algo que ayudara a mis hijos a mantener el contacto con nuestra herencia. Este libro es absolutamente genial. Es atractivo y educativo, y hace que compartir nuestra cultura sea muy divertido. También se lo he regalado a mis amigos y les ha encantado. ¡Felicidades!
Chiara Fontanelli
Este libro es fantástico. Se lo compré a mi hijo para que aprendiera más sobre nuestras tradiciones italianas mientras crecía en otro país. Las preguntas interactivas suscitan grandes conversaciones y las ilustraciones son preciosas. Lo recomiendo encarecidamente a cualquiera que esté criando a sus hijos en el extranjero.
Marta N.
Estaba muy contenta con la calidad y el aspecto del libro, pero me entristeció darme cuenta de que había llegado dañado debido a una mala manipulación durante el transporte. Estoy muy agradecida al equipo de Cukibo por ayudarme con este problema. Después de escribirles sobre el libro dañado y enviarles una foto, me enviaron un libro nuevo que llegó rápido y seguro. Es una gran relación calidad-precio y lo recomendaría encarecidamente y volvería a comprarlo.
Anna C.
Viviendo en Estados Unidos, quería introducir a mis hijos en su herencia alemana, ¡y Viaje a Alemania fue la elección ideal! El libro está repleto de datos curiosos, bonitas ilustraciones y preguntas interesantes que dan vida a las tradiciones alemanas. Es una forma fantástica de conectar a mis hijos con nuestras raíces.