The moment I started to hear about Jesper Juul was when I became a mother. Soon I realized I am not alone out there. Many parents and caregivers heard about him the same way I did: researching inevitably led to Jesper Juul books when the search terms were “helpful literature for parents”. A vast number of parents and carers mentioned his name when discussing parenting principles, and so many read his books and benefitted from his ideas in raising their children.
I became curious.
The Danish family therapist and author of several books considered us, the parents and caregivers, as the best experts for our children. Jesper Juul saw us as we are: trying to give our best every single day. He wanted to provoke food for thought and an impulse to change perspectives. He wanted us as parents of toddlers and carers of little readers to reflect on what we do and communicate within the family environment. Jesper Juul considered self-worth and confidence as essential abilities and a fundament for mental health in today’s world. On top of that, he encouraged treating each other with respect, fighting violence, abuse, addiction, and neglect.
Jesper Juul stood always for important values, he needled in dialogues and he added so many precious thought-provoking ideas to parents’ and caregivers’ daily life. If you are a parent or caregiver, please make sure to check one of Jesper Juul books.