Kindergarten Readiness

No, my pre-school child cannot read yet!

Published at May 5, 2020
Start of Kindergarten

Since I am a mother, I feel escorted by expectations from the outside.

No surprise the way to my boy’s Kindergarten entry is paved – or let’s better say gravelled – with expectancy as well.

Kindergarten Today – Everything Changes


Kindergarten readiness lists are around and imply that you better work of a wide range of qualifications. Is your little one ready to enter that next play & learn level? Can your kid count to 20 and write his/her first name. Don’t forget about the whole alphabet – the child should be well versed in saying or singing it. Short words should be read and recognized

I am confused.

My little monkey gets stuck at 13 every time he counts til 20.

Luckily he can write his first name now... phew... 

Alphabet, well, works until G.


I find it dangerous to live in an environment, where we try hard to equip our children with counting, reading and writing skills even before entering Kindergarten. 


There is a common-sense among a lot of researchers that nowadays we head into a harmful „too much and too soon-direction“.


He is not even four.


So, what now? No homeschooling before Kindergarten. That’s against my beliefs. But of course, I don’t want him to come home from pre-school, sad and down, being the only one not knowing the full alphabet.

A vicious circle of our modern times.


I keep on playing with him.

I keep on being creative with him. 

And I keep on reading books with him every day.


That is what I genuinely believe.


What do you believe? Share your opinion in the comments!


PS: I binned the readiness list!

You might want to read also: Milestone Kindergarten Registration - Why you should get a tissue with it right away